Lo sviluppatore FluBBaOfWard ha rilasciato un nuovo aggiornamento di NGPDS con la nuova versione 0.5.5.NGPDS è un emulatore SNK Neogeo Pocket (Color) per Nintendo DS.
Come usare:
A seconda della tua flashcard potresti dover patchare DLDI l’emulatore. Crea una cartella denominata “ngpds” nella root della tua flash card o nella cartella dei dati. Ora metti i file di gioco/bios in una cartella in cui hai le rom. Nota! Hai bisogno di un BIOS per poter salvare nel gioco. Il file di salvataggio dovrebbe essere compatibile con la maggior parte degli altri emulatori NeoGeo Pocket.
All’avvio dell’emulatore, puoi premere L+R o toccare lo schermo per aprire il menu. Ora puoi utilizzare la croce o il touchscreen per navigare nei menu, A o toccare due volte per selezionare un’opzione, B o la parte superiore dello schermo per tornare indietro di un passaggio.
Per selezionare tra le schede, utilizzare R & L o il touchscreen.
Load Game: Select a game to load.
Load State: Load a previously saved state of the currently running game.
Save State: Save a state of the currently running game.
Load Flash RAM: Load flash ram for the currently running game.
Save Flash RAM: Save flash ram for the currently running game.
Save Settings: Save the current settings.
Reset Game: Reset the currently running game.
Quit Emulator: (If supported.)
Autofire: Select if you want autofire.
Controller: 2P start a 2 player game.
Swap A/B: Swap which NDS button is mapped to which NGP button.
Mono Palette: Here you can select the palette for B & W games.
Gamma: Lets you change the gamma ("brightness").
Disable Foreground: Turn on/off foreground rendering.
Disable Background: Turn on/off background rendering.
Disable Sprites: Turn on/off sprite rendering.
Machine Settings:
Language: Select between Japanese and English.
Machine: Select the emulated machine.
Change Batteries: Change to new main batteries (AA/LR6).
Change Sub Battery: Change to a new sub battery (CR2032).
Cpu Speed Hacks: Allow speed hacks.
Bios Settings: Load a real NGP Bios, recommended.
Speed: Switch between speed modes.
Normal: Game runs at it's normal speed.
200%: Game runs at double speed.
Max: Games can run up to 4 times normal speed (might change).
50%: Game runs at half speed.
Autoload State: Toggle Savestate autoloading.
Automagically load the savestate associated with the current game.
Autoload Flash RAM: Toggle flash/save ram autoloading.
Automagically load the flash ram associated with the current game.
Autosave Settings: This will save settings when
leaving menu if any changes are made.
Autopause Game: Toggle if the game should pause when opening the menu.
Powersave 2nd Screen: If graphics/light should be turned off for the
GUI screen when menu is not active.
Emulator on Bottom: Select if top or bottom screen should be used for
emulator, when menu is active emulator screen is allways on top.
Debug Output: Show an FPS meter for now.
Autosleep: Doesn't work.
Some dumb info about the game and emulator...
NDS A & B buttons are mapped to NeoGeo Pocket B & A.
NDS Start & X is mapped to NeoGeo Pocket Option.
NDS Select & Y is mapped to NeoGeo Pocket Power.
NDS d-pad is mapped to NeoGeo Pocket d-pad.
NDS L button is mapped to NeoGeo Pocket D (debug).
Memories of - Pure: Glitches everywhere.
Sonic The Hedgehog: First boss sometimes disappear, try to use a save
state soon before the boss and reload and try again.
Super Real Mahjong - Premium Collection: Graphic bugs on intro.